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Thor heyerdahl theory To help validate his theory that wind and current could have led a boat to the islands, he made the Kon-Tiki un The famous Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl led the first archaeological expedition to Easter Island in 1955-56. Heyerdahl blev i 1947 berømt for sin Kon-Tiki-ekspedition. In 1936, Heyerdahl went to live on the Pacific island of Fatu Hiva. On April 28, 1947, Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the self-built raft Kon-Tiki to prove that Peruvian natives could have settled Polynesia. Largely undertreated is the racially motivated theory undergirding Heyerdahl’s Kon-Tiki project—that the first settlers in Polynesia were a race of bearded, white-skinned supermen who remained deities in both South Later, he discovered South American artifacts and tools on these islands, proving his theory. Helping her, he said, he first became interested in what he called “natural things”. Thor Heyerdahl was a famous Norwegian explorer born in 1914 who is best known for his Kon-Tiki expedition. Why did Thor Heyerdahl (but not today's anthropologists) put faith in the Peruvian origin theory of the Polynesians? Everybody mentions that Polynesian oral traditions were a big inspiration for the Kon-Tiki expedition, but I was under the impression that he had botanical evidence as well. July 2002. The skipper was the 33-year-old Thor Heyerdahl. American indians in the pacific. Thor Heyerdahl Other articles related to Thor Heyerdahl: (1) Thor Heyerdahl in Azerbaijan: KON-TIKI Man by Betty Blair (AI 3:1, Spring 1995) (2) Azerbaijan's Primal Music Norwegians Find 'The Land We Come From' by Opheim (AI 5. Courtesy: Thor Heyerdahl. He has been a regular member of various scientific congresses, notably the International Congress of Americanists, the Pacific Science Congress, and the International Congress of Anthropology and Ethnology. The idea behind this project was to provide evidence for the theory that Odin, known from Old Norse texts, was in fact a (human) warlord who had migrated from this area of the world to northern Europe. M. ABSTRACT. Daatland: Heyerdahl's "Odin theory": The Thor Heyerdahl (October 6, 1914, Larvik, Norway – April 18, 2002, Colla Micheri, I have read enough around the topic to be convinced that some of Heyerdahl’s theories were correct, and will write about this more in my review of the later companion book by On August 7, 1947, Kon‑Tiki, a balsa wood raft captained by Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl, completes a 4,300‑mile, 101‑day journey from Peru to Raroia in the Tuamotu Archipelago Kon-Tiki is the record of an astonishing adventure - a journey of 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean by raft. Certainly the Kon-Tiki theory features heavily as corroborative evidence in the Heyerdahl was born in Larvik, [8] Norway, the son of master brewer Thor Heyerdahl (1869–1957) and his wife, Alison Lyng (1873–1965). An important part of your talk should be the radical theory Heyerdahl formed from examining mysterious ancient carvings that he happened to find on the island. Thor Heyerdahl`s expeditions and archives were included in UNESCO`s World Heritage List in 2011. Thor Heyerdahl Involvement with Azerbaijan Read More about Thor Heyerdahl 1. And long before Europeans first saw the white beaches of the islands. He had a theory that Polynesians originated from South America, which was not accepted by scientists at the time. Australian National University. Kon-Tiki is the record of an astonishing adventure - a journey of 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean by raft. With Kon-Tiki, Heyerdahl sailed 8,000 km across the Pacific Ocean in a self-built raft from South America to the Tuamotu Islands to demonstrate that ancient people could have Thor Heyerdahl's mother ran a museum in his hometown Larvik, a port city in southern Norway. The Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo, Norway, contains the primitive oceangoing vessels that anthropologist and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl used to prove the possibility of transoceanic contact between ancient, widely separated civilizations. Thor Heyerdahl (1914 - 2002) Heyerdahl questioned more than anything else the theory in vogue in the first half of the twentieth century according to which oceans and rivers were an obstacle for ancient peoples. Although Heyerdahl often argued that his was a lone Thor Heyerdahl has always been dedicated attempting to prove his theories on contacts of prehistoric societies with the aid of traditional boats types. 2. [16] Rasmussen, J. When the scientific community rejects his theory that South Americans were the first to settle in the Polynesian Islands, In the late 1940's Thor Heyerdahl began to put forward a theory concerning the origins of the Polynesian people who inhabited various island groups in eastern Oceania in the Pacific ocean, and who also settled in New Zealand (the Maori people). 4. ', 'Borders I have never seen one. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Thor Heyerdahl, an ethnographer with a spirit of adventure, Heyerdahl undertook several daring expeditions on traditional vessels, challenging theories about human migration patterns. Boken gir seg ut for å være en dybdestudie av Heyerdahls teoretiske rammeverk. Thor Heyerdahl is famous for his Kon-Tiki expedition, in which he sailed the Pacific Ocean in a hand-built raft from South America. Viracocha, who eventually Heyerdahl's Kon Tiki Theory 175 disappeared beyond the western sea towards the setting sun, had neither the dark skin of a toiling peasant nor behaviour befitting a member of a conquering 'race'. Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002)was not an advocate for any particular theory regarding Atlantis, except to state [387] that in his view Plato’s text was more supportive of an Atlantic location rather than a Mediterranean one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people. In 1947, Heyerdahl sailed from Peru to Polynesia on a raft called the Kon-Tiki. Born: 6-Oct-1914 Birthplace: Larvik, Norway Died: 18-Apr-2002 Location of death: Colla Muchari, Italy Cause of death: Cancer - Brain Remains: Buried, Heyerdahl Estate, Colla Micheri, Italy Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Explorer Nationality: Norway Executive summary: Kon-Tiki Thor Heyerdahl was a Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl was an adventurous spirit with a keen interest in ancient navigation and migration theories. I igured the museum had a basic set of choices in how to commemorate the raft and its legacy: (1) They could promote Heyerdahl’s racial theory of the white, culture-bearing race (probably not a good idea); (2) They could historicize the Kon-Tiki, explaining Heyerdahl’s views on race were grounded in outmoded theory, even in his own time, fostering discussions about race in the Thor Heyerdahl Kon Tiki - Free download as Word Doc (. 7/5 (10) Thor Heyerdahl (October 6, 1914 – April 18, 2002) was a Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer with a background in zoology, botany, and geography. The coming of the white bearded men: The origin and development of Thor Heyerdahl’s Kon-Tiki theory [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. The museum is home to permanent exhibitions about: Ra, Tigris, Fatu-Hiva, Kon-Tiki, and Easter Island. But many remained unconvinced, including a Norwegian Explorer and Ethnographer by the name of Thor Heyerdahl. features to Easter Island is the Norwegian adventurer and anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl. Youth and personal life. At Oslo Winter 2006 (14. The aim of the expedition was to demonstrate that ancient peoples could have crossed the Pacific from east to west using ocean currents and so possibly On 28 April 1947, a balsa raft with six men and a parrot set sail from Callao in Peru. The most famous of Heyerdahl’s expeditions aimed to prove them wrong. Many theories One theory, advanced in the 1930s is that the Islands were populated step-by-step from SouthEast Asia. He created a small museum in his childhood home, with a common adder (Vipera In autumn 2019, a young Norwegian historian, Per Ivar Hjeldsbakken Engevold, published a study of Thor Heyerdahl's work and theories with the title Thor Heyerdahl and the Search for Atlantis. The Kon-Tiki Expedition (1947) - Thor Heyerdahl attempted to prove his theory that Polynesia could be populated from South America and not Asia. He describes many of the ruins in South America and how they compare to what is in Polynesia. Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian anthropologist and adventurer whose imagination and vigor brought him acclaim navigating the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans to advance his controversial theories This map illustrates the route and story of the Kon-Tiki Expedition (1947), a groundbreaking voyage led by Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002), in which a crew of six sailed a balsa-wood raft from Callao, Peru, to Raroia Atoll in the Tuamotu Islands of Polynesia. His voyage was successful, but the same couldn’t be said for his theories. Thor Heyerdahl has 66 books on Goodreads with 71027 ratings. In a 900-year-old Icelandic saga, it is mentioned that the mythological figure Odin migrated to Scandinavia from an eastern land called Asgård or Asers house. the theory behind the kon-tiki expedition. Thor’s theory was that the islands making up Polynesia were settled from the West by natives of South America using ‘drift voyaging’ – basically building a raft with a sail and letting the ocean take you. - Espen Barth Eide Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, 2012 2013. Heyerdahl returned to Norway to global fanfare. The Kon-Tiki Museum houses original boats and exhibits from Thor Heyerdahl’s world famous expeditions. He even The Kon-Tiki expedition of 1947, led by the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002), successfully crossed 8,000 km (5,000 miles) of the Pacific Ocean from Peru to the Tuamotu Thor Heyerdahl >Through his oceanic expeditions on primitive rafts and boats, documented in >books, films, To advance his theories further, Heyerdahl wrote an 800-page scholarly work, American Indians in the Pacific: The Theory behind the Kon-Tiki Expedition, published in 1952. Open or close caption; Financial support for two expeditions. Thor Heyerdahl (1914–2002) er en av historiens mest kjente oppdagere. Thor Heyerdahl’s theory. Heyerdahl was born in Larvik, Norway, the son of master brewer Thor Heyerdahl (1869–1957) and his wife, Alison Lyng (1873–1965). 21 avg rating — 34 ratings — 14 editions. Then a more modern explorer, Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl sailed from Peru to Polynesia largely by ocean currents, suggesting South America was the Polynesian homeland. On April 28, 1947, Thor Heyerdahl set out to prove his theory that the islands in Polynesia could have been contacted by ancient South Americans. As a young child, Heyerdahl showed a strong interest in zoology, inspired by his mother, who had a strong interest in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Photo courtesy: Storfjell. Addeddate 2006-11-16 17:47:56 Barcode 143806 Call number 37009 Thor Heyerdahl's 1947 performative experiment, to sail a raft from Peru to Polynesia, was lauded as a feat of ingenuity and endurance. In 1947, Heyerdahl embarked on his renowned expedition known as the Kon-Tiki Journey. The study was published by the international renowned journal Nature on September 10th, News of these startling findings flashed around the world; it seemed that Thor Heyerdahl had been right all along!. The continued exploration of the merits of Thor Heyerdahl s theories, however controversial they might be, is a worthy tribute to his lasting legacy. First edition (Norwegian) Aku-Aku: the Secret of Easter Island is a 1957 book by Thor Heyerdahl [1] published in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish, and in French and English the following year. "The Azerbaijan Connection: Challenging Euro-Centric Theories of Migration," Spring 1995 (AI 3:1). I think you should finish with that. Other Articles related to Thor Heyerdahl in Azerbaijan International Magazine (1) Thor Heyerdahl in Azerbaijan: KON-TIKI Man by Betty Blair (AI 3:1, Spring 1995) (2) The Azerbaijan Connection: Challenging Euro-Centric Theories of Thor Heyerdahl (October 6, 1914, Larvik, Norway – April 18, 2002, Colla Micheri, The book also detailed Heyerdahl's theory about Polynesia being populated from South America. Through his pioneering sea expeditions in vessels resembling prehistoric crafts, he Though evidence against his theory grew, Kon-Tiki sailor Thor Heyerdahl never steered from his course. As evidence, moai were found facedown or on their back next to these roads, Kon-Tiki, raft in which the Norwegian scientist Thor Heyerdahl and five companions sailed in 1947 from the western coast of South America to the islands east of Tahiti. Rix, Robert. the assumption of prehistoric Amerindian sea routes to Polynesia (Heyerdahl 1952, 1968α; Heyerdahl and The Kon-Tiki expedition of 1947, led by the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002), successfully crossed 8,000 km (5,000 miles) of the Pacific Ocean from Peru to the Tuamotu Islands on a balsa-wood raft. Thor Heyerdahl is the recipient of numerous medals, awards and honours. The voyage, called the Tangaroa Expedition, was intended as a tribute to Thor Heyerdahl, as well as a means Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002) is one of history’s most famous scientists, adventurers and champions of the environment. Den havde til formål at bevise Heyerdahls teori om, at de indianske folk har berejst Stillehavet på store balsaflåder. in 1947 that a primi tive vessel could survive the coastal Peru to pッセケョ・ウゥ。L@ Having proven oeRM voyage from Heyerdahl was intrigued by the On May 17, 1970, Norwegian ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl and a multinational crew set out from Morocco across the Atlantic Ocean in Ra II, a papyrus sailing craft modeled after ancient Egyptian Peru to the Tuamotu archipelago (Heyerdahl 1950), and with the theory behind this Kon Tiki and his subsequent Easter Island-East Pacific expedition (Heyerdahl 1958), viz. & Viestad, V. "Scandinavian Ancestry: Tracing Roots to Azerbaijan," by Heyerdahl. In 1969 he built the reed ship RA after models of traditional boat types in Egypt. Thor Heyerdahl spent a lifetime looking for traces people crossing the world’s oceans and connecting cultures. He orchestrated many transoceanic expeditions in primitive boat replicas and contributed several substantial theories to the geographic and scientific communities. He argued that as well as being settled by Polynesians, Easter Island was settled by people from Peru, an area described as "more culturally developed". The Vikings. Thor Heyerdahl Links. Richard Conniff. "Thor Heyerdahl in Azerbaijan: Kon-Tiki Man," Spring 1995 (AI 3:1). london, 1952 by Thor Heyerdahl. His footage from the expedition netted him an Oscar in 1951 for Best Documentary Film, and his book titled The Kon-Tiki Expedition: By Raft Across the South Seas has been translated into 65 languages and has sold an estimated 20 million copies- the whole thing becoming something of a cultural phenomenon Heyerdahl's theory of Polynesian origins . Thor Heyerdahl was a Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer with a passion for exploring the mysteries of ancient civilizations. However, in the same book, Early Man and the Ocean, he lists 53 cultural similarities between civilisations in Mesoamerica and those in the eastern Thor Heyerdahl (October 6, 1914, Larvik, Norway – April 18, 2002, Colla Micheri, The book also detailed Heyerdahl's theory about Polynesia being populated from South America. His theory contradicted previous theories held by the "mainstream" of anthropologists and archaeologists. . The goal was to reach Polynesia. Heyerdahl is most controversially associated with an attempt to revive the theory that the islanders' stone carving technology came from S. Visit the new Thor Heyerdahl Research Center in London directed by Bjørnar Storfjell. Born in 1914, Thor Heyerdahl grew up in Norway. txt) or read book online for free. no) The Thor Heyerdahl Institute was founded by • Thor Heyerdahl's visits to Azerbaijan: 1981, 1994, 1999, 2000, 73 Heyerdahl's theory about migration from the Caucasus to Scandinavia, 130 Vibeke Roggen: Azerbaijan and Thor Heyerdahl, 133 Christer D. Now, 70 years after Heyerdahl's men set out on the open Pacific, an international group of researchers has found clear signs that South American indigenous peoples had contact with Polynesia. In this paper Thor Heyerdahl's early attempts at ethnography and his first contact with Polynesian archaeology are discussed. Publication date 1952-01-01 Publisher London: George Allen Unwin, Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Thor Heyerdahl lancerede endvidere den teori, at højkulturerne i Egypten, Mesopotamien og Indusdalen udsprang fra Bahrain i Den Persiske Golf. Thor Heyerdahl’s main argument was his theory about Odin, the top Norse god and mythic ancestor of the Vikings. What is Thor Heyerdahls theory? The theory, published in full in Heyerdahl’s 1952 book American Indians in the Pacific: The theory behind the Kon-Tiki expedition (henceforth American Indians), claimed that the first settlers of the Pacific island world, in stark contrast to established scientific tradition, had not been of Asiatic origin, but in fact Thor Heyerdahl was a Norwegian explorer, adventurer, and ethnologist. Along with five others, Heyerdahl climbed onto a raft made of balsa logs tied together The background for the project is described in two books, Ingen grenser, 1999, Heyerdahl, Thor and Per Lillieström, Oslo: Stenersens forlag, ISBN 82-7201-270-7 and Jakten på Odin—På sporet av vår fortid, 2001, Heyerdahl, Thor and Per Lillieström, Oslo: Stenersens forlag, ISBN 82-7201-316-9. Teknisk set blev ekspeditionen en succes, for det lykkedes at sejle flåden fra Peru til Marquesas øgruppen, men forskerne blev ikke overbevist om teorien, og Heyerdal var skuffet over reaktionen. However little evidence supports his theory apart from the use of sweet potatoes in both areas. Skeptics Turned Believers Many experts doubted Heyerdahl's theories and the seaworthiness of his raft. Above: J. However, his claims about pre-Columbian contact between South America and Polynesia have been widely debunked and criticized for racial undertones. America. " Heyerdahl finally published his grand theory in detail in American Indians in the Pacific: The Theory Behind the Kon-Tiki Expedition (1952). Thor Heyerdahl's grandson, Olav Heyerdahl, retraced his grandfather's Kon-Tiki voyage in 2006, as part of a six-member crew. Like Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and South America. Bjornar Storfjell with Thor Heyerdahl in Azov, Summer 2001. Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist Thor Heyerdahl suspected that the South Sea Islands had been settled by an ancient race from thousands of miles to the east, led by a mythical hero, Kon-Tiki. While living on the Polynesian island of Fatu Hiva, Thor Heyerdahl heard tales of Polynesian lore. docx), PDF File (. by Dr. OK. 1M . Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl made a celebrated journey aboard a raft called Kon-Tiki in 1947, and later wrote an international best-seller about his amazing expedition. Heyerdahl believed that these finds fit with his theory of a seafaring civilisation which originated in what is now Sri Lanka, colonised the Maldives, and Thor Heyerdahl was a Norwegian ethnologist and adventurer who organized and led the famous Kon-Tiki (1947) and Ra (1969–70) transoceanic scientific From the late 1930s to his death in 2002, Norwegian adventurer and amateur ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl struggled to find academic acceptance for his Pacific Islands What is Thor Heyerdahls theory? The theory, published in full in Heyerdahl’s 1952 book American Indians in the Pacific: The theory behind the Kon-Tiki expedition (henceforth Thor Heyerdahl spent a lifetime looking for traces people crossing the world’s oceans and connecting cultures. . Heyerdahl’s theory that indigenous South American peoples were the first to populate Polynesia took shape after he and Liv made several interesting discoveries on Fatu Hiva and the neighboring island of Hivoa. All right, Victor, so after your part I’ll talk about Thor Heyerdahl’s adult life, continuing from the theory he had about Polynesian migration. He pointed to plant life, the winds and ocean currents as good arguments, and believed local oral tradition suggested the same. Thor Heyerdahl 4. ', and 'Am going to cross Pacific on a wooden raft to support a theory that the South Sea islands were peopled from Peru. doc / . Thor Heyerdahl’s most popular book is Kon-Tiki. To prove his theory, he built a raft out of local materials in Peru and set sail across the Pacific. The archives are open for research and other relevant activity(www. The book describes the 1955–1956 Norwegian Archaeological Expedition's investigations of Polynesian history and culture at Easter Island, the Austral Islands of Rapa Iti and Raivavae, With his spectacular expeditions and original theories, Thor Heyerdahl was a controversial figure. Publication date 1958 Publisher Rand Mcnally And Company Collection universallibrary Contributor Universal Digital Library Language English Item Size 227. Heyerdahl claimed that in Incan legend there was a sun-god named Con-Tici Viracocha who was the supreme head of the mythical white people in Peru. 1/1. He became notable for his Kon-Tiki expedition in 1947, in which he sailed 8,000 km across the Pacific Ocean in a hand-built raft from South America to the Tuamotu Islands. Covering 8,000 km (5,000 miles) in 101 days, the journey aimed to test Heyerdahl’s theory that pre-Columbian It all started when Thor Heyerdahl, a Norwegian ethnographer, developed a theory that no one else would take seriously: he reckoned that in ancient times, South Americans had drifted across the During the journey across the Pacific, the Kon-Tiki crew encountered a variety of unexpected discoveries that lent credence to Thor Heyerdahl's hypothesis of ancient transoceanic contact. (Thor Heyerdahl, 1952) - American Indians in the Pacific_ The Theory behind the Kon Tiki Expedition (Allen & Unwin). Heyerdahl's Kon Tiki Theory. The word Azeri is very similar, but there is no evidence that it is the same word. He used only technologies and materials available during pre-Columbian times. Largely undertreated is the racially motivated theory He undertook three major expeditions: the Kon-Tiki Expedition, the Ra Expeditions and the Tiger Expedition. As they navigated the vast expanse of ocean, the crew made a series of scientific observations that provided tangible evidence supporting Heyerdahl's theory. Heyerdahl was interested in demonstrating the possibility that ancient people from the Americas could have colonized Polynesia; to do so, he constructed Kon-Tiki (named for a "Two-Way Ticket to Paradise', book review of Thor Heyerdahl, Fatu-Hiva". Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. PDF | The Kon-Tiki voyage was led by Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl. He attended Oslo University, where he studied zoology. The New York Times, August 29, 1975. Other articles by or related to Thor Heyerdahl: (1) Thor Heyerdahl in Azerbaijan: KON-TIKI Man by Betty Blair (AI 3:1, Spring 1995) Thor Heyerdahl Aku Aku by Kon Tiki. Kon Tiki Web Server Thor Heyerdahl Expeditions Thor Heyerdahl’s 1947 performative experiment, to sail a raft from Peru to Polynesia, was lauded as a feat of ingenuity and endurance. It is argued that Heyerdahl, prior to his first Pacific expedition to the Marquesas Islands in 1937, carried with him a romanticized perception of the Polynesian people, imagining them to be the last living ‘natural men’. 3. Intrigued by the legends of a white-skinned, red-bearded forefather named Kon-Tiki, Heyerdahl began to ponder the question of the origins of Polynesians. Thor Heyerdahl 1914– Norwegian writer on travel, anthropology, is best known for his accounts of the exciting journeys he undertook to prove his scientific theories. kon-tiki. Heyerdahl's Race Theories Thor Heyerdahl. His expeditions were both numerous and extensive, and had a major impact on his life. Inspired by his hypothesis that Polynesia may have been colonized by individuals who migrated from South America rather than Asia, Heyerdahl, and a small crew embarked on a voyage from Peru aboard a rudimentary balsa wood raft called Kon-Tiki. Thor Heyerdahl. Teorien blev søgt eftervist med sivbåden Tigris' sejlads 1977-1978 fra Irak til Between 2001 and 2002, Thor Heyerdahl, the popular Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer, excavated digs near the Sea of Azov, northeast of the Black Sea. His expeditions were successful, but his theories have not been generally accepted by more academic anthropologists. In the late 1940's Thor Heyerdahl began to put forward a theory concerning the origins of the Polynesian people who inhabited various island groups in eastern Oceania in the Pacific ocean, and who also settled in New Zealand (the Maori people). The original name for Virakocha was Kon Thor Heyerdahl published this theory in 1958, stating that the ancient roads on the island were the islanders’ main route of transport. His enduring courage in challenging conventional wisdom should remain an example to us all. As a young child, Heyerdahl showed a strong interest in zoology, inspired by his mother, who had a strong interest in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. pdf), Text File (. "'The North' and 'the East': The Odin Migration Theory. txt) or read online for free. Will you come? I guarantee nothing but a free trip to Peru and the South Sea islands Challenging Euro-Centric Theories of Migration. According to the legend, Kon-Tiki Heyerdahl first published his theory in 1941, claiming that the original Polynesian inhabitants came from the coasts of North and South America, and followed the North Pacific From the late 1930s to his death in 2002, Norwegian adventurer and amateur ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl struggled to find academic acceptance for his Pacific Islands settlement theory. Mostly he was not Heyerdahl bases this theory on archaeological finds, observations of plant life and sea currents, and a legend of Kon-Tiki Viraccocha, the God of all Creation in pre-Inca and Inca mythology. Thor also visited Easter Island, the Heyerdahl thought that the ancestral ancestors of the Polynesians were Amerindians. 4) Pages 22-25. 4, Winter 1997) (3) Thor Heyerdahl In 1947, a Norwegian adventurer named Thor Heyerdahl set out to prove a theory of his that the people of Polynesia came there from South America. Like Rapa Nui (Easter Island) They have poked holes in the theory that it was the people who did it to themselves. (2021). American Indians in the Pacific; The Theory behind the Kon Tiki Expedition by. The Kon-Tiki expedition was the result of a theory he had pondered ever since his stay on the Pacific island of Fatu Hiva. Perhaps the most vocal investigator in support of the theory of the introduction of Peruvian . He created a small museum in his childhood home, 47 quotes from Thor Heyerdahl: 'Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity. This name choice reflected Heyerdahl's theory that South Americans could have settled Polynesia. jhm sszojg zgtxt fyp otxygc drputq qzlnu eykhdq mguqm mvnul tlhg ajyf lxbia ariik ejbyew